Blog    Work on the business, not in it

Work on the business, not in it

standing on business

The phrase “work on the business, not in it” comes from Michael E. Gerber’s book, “The E-Myth Revisited.” Its core message revolves around the idea that there’s a difference between an entrepreneur and a technician or worker within the business.

Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Working in the business:
    • This refers to handling the day-to-day operations and tasks that keep the business running. Examples include serving customers, managing inventory, handling daily administrative tasks, etc.
    • Business owners who constantly work “in” their business often find themselves overwhelmed with routine tasks, limiting their ability to grow or scale their business. They might feel like they’ve created a job for themselves rather than a scalable business.
  2. Working on the business:
    • This involves stepping back and focusing on strategic growth, planning, and business systematising.
    • Tasks include creating standard operating procedures, developing marketing strategies, analysing the competition, seeking growth opportunities, and more.
    • Working “on” the business ensures it can operate and grow without entirely depending on the owner’s daily input.

The key benefits of working “on” the business rather than “in” are:

  1.  Scalability: By focusing on systems, processes, and strategy, the business can be positioned for growth. A well-structured enterprise can accommodate an increase in demand without proportional increases in effort or resources.
  2. Enhanced efficiency: Establishing processes and systems can lead to streamlined operations, minimising waste and redundancy.
  3. Greater profitability: Efficiency often leads to cost savings, and strategic planning can increase revenue opportunities. Both can enhance the bottom line.
  4. Value creation: A business operating without being entirely dependent on its owner is more valuable.
  5. Innovation: By stepping back from daily operations, owners can gain a clearer perspective, allowing them to innovate, identify new opportunities, or pivot if necessary.
  6. Improved work-life balance: Owners can better balance their personal and professional lives when not tied to daily operational tasks.
  7. Empowerment of employees: Delegating responsibilities can empower employees, making them more engaged, fostering leadership skills, and improving job satisfaction.
  8. Risk management: Owners can implement contingency plans by working on the business, ensuring the company can handle unforeseen events or challenges.
  9. Flexibility: Owners gain the flexibility to take time off, knowing that the business can run smoothly in their absence.
  10. Long-term vision: It allows business owners to focus on long-term goals and visions rather than getting caught up in immediate challenges or daily crises.
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